Robles Award 2012

Publié le par aixpat-camille

I take part for two months in a new adventure, a fabulous adventure, being part of a jury for a Literary Award.

I am refering to the Robles Award (Prix Roblès), a French Literary Award created in 1990 by the public libraries of Blois in France, which rewards an author of a first novel written in French.

Dizaines of Reading Comittees in France and all around the world will make their choice among 6 novels carefully selected from a list established by the jurees of the Goncourt Award of First Novel.

We have 9 weeks, from the information meeting that I organised yesterday Monday 26 March, to the final meeting on Wednesday 23 May, to read these 6 books and rank them. I'll send the verdict of our Comittee on Friday 25 May.
I have gathered an ecclectic Reading Comittee of 9 people, made up of 5 French and 4 English.


Here are the 6 selected books :

- Avant le silence des forêts, Lyliane Beauquel (Gallimard)

- Va et dis-le aux chiens, Isabelle Coudrier (Fayard)

- Rester sage, Arnaud Dubek (ALMA Editeur)

- Ce qu'il advint du sauvage blanc, François Garde (Gallimard)

- Le vestibule des causes perdues, Manon Moreau (D. Montalant)

- Allée 7, rangée 38, Sophie Schulze (Léo Scheer)

Publié dans Activities - Work

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